Top 5 Creative Bar Harbor Wedding Portrait Photographers for 2024

頁面更新: 1月31st,2024

Wouldn’t you just love to hire a top creative Bar Harbor wedding photographer to create artistic portraits on your big day? The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association is here to help! Wedding photojournalists are, first and foremost, photographers — creative artists, in other words. In the AG contests, WPJA members exhibit their skills at digitally enhanced Bar Harbor couple portraits.

Four Artistic Guild contests for Bar Harbor wedding portraits are held annually, entered and judged separately from the regular WPJA competitions of moments. After each creative photo contest, we add another collection of award-winning portraits to our member profile galleries.

Want to have a top Bar Harbor creative wedding photographer take some unique and artistic portraits? In a portrait (for these purposes), the photographer has staged the couple, the bridal party, or other participants or groups — such as family, friends, or children — on the day of the wedding. One distinguishing feature of portraits is that the subjects are aware of the camera and are maintaining their positions for the sake of the photograph.

婚禮攝影師 Kate Crabtree 的工作室肖像

凱特·克拉布特里 (Kate Crabtree) 是一位來自緬因州的婚禮攝影師,她以令人驚嘆的風景為背景,為情侶在特殊的日子裡拍攝美麗的照片。 她擅長在水邊(例如海洋或碼頭)創作獨特的肖像,並且喜歡利用日落和黃金時段柔和溫暖的光線進行創作。 凱特以其對稱的取景和創造平衡的圖像而聞名。

緬因州班戈婚紗攝影 Hailey Crabtree 拍攝

Hailey Crabtree 專注於藝術婚禮攝影,在緬因州和新英格蘭以創意美術風格捕捉情感時刻。她將對講故事的熱愛與攝影結合記錄愛情故事。

婚禮攝影師 Ted Felsberg 的工作形象

泰德費爾斯伯格 (Ted Felsberg) 是一位婚禮攝影師,專門為情侶拍攝創意美術肖像,記錄他們的愛情,並珍惜作品的多樣性。他在肖像攝影中捕捉浪漫,專注於純粹的快樂。

Brittany Bugaj 拍攝的緬因州波特蘭婚紗攝影

Brittany Bugaj 是一位藝術攝影師,專門捕捉婚禮當天情侶之間的聯繫。 她擅長運用引人注目且大膽的技巧,尤其是在黃昏時分,在令人驚嘆的背景下創造出美麗的剪影。

我是莎拉 V 攝影 - 婚禮和情侶訂婚圖片

Sarah V. Martinez 是一位來自新英格蘭的婚禮攝影師,擁有新聞攝影背景。 她在美國的旅行為她提供了寶貴的生活經歷,對她的攝影產生了極大的影響。 她擅長拍攝創意婚禮肖像,尤其是在樹上與情侶一起拍攝的肖像,並喜歡拍攝婚禮細節和手部的藝術且引人注目的特寫鏡頭。