
婚禮攝影師 薩莎·萊霍夫琴科,被授予 9日 照片的地方 618076 ,在 儀式 WPJA的類別 2011 Q1競賽.

WPJA 競賽評審向美國婚禮攝影師 Sasha Leahovcenco 頒發了大師作品獎,以表彰業內頂級婚禮攝影新聞。

世界領先的紀實婚禮攝影師將他們最好的照片提交給 Wedding Photojournalist Association的攝影比賽。 他們希望他們的婚禮報導照片由新聞行業中一些最著名和最受尊敬的工作圖片編輯和攝影記者進行評估和選擇(這些不是婚禮攝影師或其他 WPJA 成員評判他們的工作)。 贏得這些比賽對於婚禮攝影師來說是一項真正的成就。


  • I loved this photo simply because the juxtaposition of this quiet congratulatory kiss is suddenly blasted from its pixels by the riotous "hallelujah" from the woman in the background. It's a good example of how composition and an understanding about how people tend to view an image (at least in western cultures) is from left to right. Thus a strong entry point, the man at far left leads us to what we believe is the primary focal point in the center of the scene only to surprise us as those strong lines direct us straight to our ecstatic surprise at far right.
