

Our Hydra photographers also provide documentary-style coverage in: Dokos, Mandraki, Kamini, Vlychos, Palamidas, Episkopi, and Molos

Hydra Wedding Photography, Engagement Photo Sessions + Elopements

Intimate Wedding Photography in Hydra - Capturing the Joy of Small Celebrations - Discover the best Hydra photographers specializing in intimate marriages. Couples are embracing the trend of smaller, more meaningful celebrations. Let our talented photographers capture the joy and intimacy of your wedding day.

By planning a simple Hydra 私奔,新人可以活在當下,充分吸收婚禮當天的影響。 鑑於許多新人在親密的環境中感覺更加自然和自在,一些最令人驚嘆的婚禮照片來自私奔也就不足為奇了。

The WPJA has an abundance of top-ranked, Hydra documentary wedding photographers available right now who understand that some weddings and elopements can’t wait. Find yours today!

Hydra Photographers for Large or Small Weddings

Shooting an elopement or small Hydra wedding event is a wedding photojournalist’s dream: a fairly open schedule with lots of breathing space for creativity – it’s just the photographer, the couple, the officiant, and perhaps a few select companions.

Attica WPJA members are ready to document any themed, DIY - do it yourself, sea, or 私奔婚禮,即使這是周一至週四的儀式。 搜索“可以在短時間內拍攝婚禮!” 消息在下面的清單上。

View Award-Winning Pictures from Hydra Wedding Venues

3 Hydra Wedding Photographers...

Magdalene Kourti 是一位希臘婚禮攝影師,她的作品採用紀錄片的方式,利用視覺敘事來捕捉瞬間。 瑪格達琳熱衷於描繪情感,其低調的風格使她能夠創造出引人入勝的視覺敘事。


雅典,GR *Now booking Hydra weddings.
歐洲目的地婚禮和私奔攝影師 Sofia Camplioni 的工作照片

Sofia Camplioni 擁有超過 16 年的婚禮攝影記者經驗,她以獨特的視角捕捉婚禮上情感和坦誠的時刻。

200 /小時(EUR)

Manes Pangalos 是一位技藝精湛的婚禮攝影師,出生於倫敦,現居希臘,將激情與專業知識融為一體,捕捉愛情故事。從小帶著相機的他,從一份「真正的」工作轉型為追求畢生的攝影夢想…


雅典,GR *Now booking Hydra weddings.

Map of Wedding Photojournalists Serving Hydra Couples


Q: Who are the best Hydra wedding photographers for small elopements?
A: The WPJA is proud to have some of the top Hydra documentary wedding photographers for elopements. Our members are able to submit WedElope Stories that take you step-by-step, via a 9 image picture story, through the unique and moving elopements that take place around the world.
Q: How can couples find reviews of Hydra wedding photographers?
A: We call them Client Letters. At the WPJA, we decided more than 20 years ago to avoid incorporating those third-person testimonials and endorsements that are found all too often in advertisements. Instead, we elevated our listings with the use of Client Letters, which represent the actual words and feelings of the clients who booked those Hydra wedding photographers for their own wedding.
Q: Can a wedding photojournalist create artistic portraits on my Hydra wedding day?
A: While wedding photojournalists strive to capture candid moments on the wedding day, our photographers also are skilled artists who can compose powerful portraits. If you have a specific vision of what types of images you want from your wedding day, look at the top-ranked Hydra wedding photographers who have earned Artistic Guild awards for portrait and detail images.
WPJA 公報:精選婚紗攝影文章
Overijssel的Jola Mulder是
眾所周知,這是我們現在正在經歷的奇怪時期,有很多新婚夫婦在不久的將來舉行婚禮,他們感到不確定並擔心他們的未來。 雖然這是可以理解的,但也很重要...阅读更多
一些新人在開始籌備婚禮時,可能會認為他們僅限於經典地點:教堂、花園、海灘,甚至拉斯維加斯。 但在這樣做的過程中,他們錯過了許多可能非常適合他們個性的獨特選擇……阅读更多



瑪格達琳·庫爾蒂 (Magdalene Kourti) 攝

舉辦目的地婚禮通常意味著必須在所有親人不在場的情況下慶祝,我們回家知道通過我們的照片,我們可以與他們一起重溫我們的特殊日子,每時每刻。 感謝您真實坦誠地捕捉我們的愛,


瑪格達琳·庫爾蒂 (Magdalene Kourti) 攝

我們對這些照片非常滿意——它們真的捕捉到了當天的情緒。 它們中的許多都具有很高的藝術性,類似於一幅可以掛起來欣賞的畫。 我們也很驚訝我們能這麼快把照片拿回來(婚禮一周後!)如果你想打敗婚禮憂鬱,這很可愛。 非常感謝你們!